Member News

Membership Renewal: 

Renewal notices have been sent. Please renew your membership today. 

NOTE: If you have not received a membership confirmation via an email, please send an email to Glenn Sugiki at

Members needed Your help is needed to help your association grow. CAPOA cannot exist without your continued contribution and assistance. Please get the word out. Questions may be addressed to any Board member.

CAPOA Website:

You can also find the Membership Applications on our CAPOA Website under The website is being updated to reflect our current status and will be completed shortly. 

Member News:

Have you retired, promoted, got married, or had a baby? Your association would love to hear about it. Please send details to If you have not provided your email address to CAPOA, please do so as soon as possible in order to keep up to date on association news and business. Members needed your help is needed to help your association grow. CAPOA cannot exist without your continued contribution and assistance. Please get the word out. Questions may be addressed to any Board member.


Detective  Guotao Zeng, Monterey Park PD has been recently promoted from Officer to Detective. He also got married and is off the eligible bachelor’s list. Congratulations Detective Zeng!